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Dia duit, a chairde!

Lorna here, ready to take you on a virtual spin that’ll have you reaching for your car keys faster than you can say “Wild Atlantic Way”!

Buckle up, buttercups, because we’re about to embark on the road trip of a lifetime, with our beloved Roundstone as our cozy home base. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Lorna, isn’t the weather a bit unpredictable for a road trip?” Ah, but that’s the magic of it! One minute you’re basking in sunshine that’d make the Caribbean jealous, the next you’re watching moody clouds roll in over the Atlantic. It’s like Mother Nature’s own little mood ring, and trust me, it’s all part of the charm!

Let’s start our journey right here in Roundstone. Wake up in your luxurious townhouse at Within The Village, grab a quick breakfast (might I recommend our homemade scones baked daily by our lovely neighbour Anne and delivered hot to your house every morning), and hit the road. But not before stopping at any of our local coffee shops for a cup of joe that’ll put hairs on your chest – even if you don’t want them there!

First stop: Dog’s Bay and Gurteen Bay. These twin beaches are so photogenic, they make supermodels look ordinary. The white sand and turquoise water will have you checking your GPS to make sure you haven’t somehow ended up in the Caribbean.

Pro tip: Take a moment to hunt for seashells – legend has it that if you find a perfect scallop shell, you’ll be blessed with good luck (and possibly a return trip to Connemara!).

Now, let’s head north towards Clifden, the “capital” of Connemara. As you drive, keep your eyes peeled for our famous Connemara ponies.  These hardy little creatures are as iconic to this landscape as shamrocks and leprechauns. Just remember – no matter how cute they are, they’re not suitable souvenirs!

In Clifden, take a detour onto the Sky Road. Folks, this isn’t just a road – it’s Mother Nature showing off. As you wind your way up, you’ll be treated to views that’ll make your heart soar and your camera work overtime. At the summit, pull over and take it all in. On a clear day, you can see all the way to America! Well, not really, but with views this gorgeous, you might just believe you can.

Feeling peckish? Pop into a local pub for some seafood chowder whilst passing through Letterfrack. It’s so creamy and delicious, you’ll be tempted to ask for the recipe. (Spoiler alert: They won’t give it to you. I’ve tried!)

Next up is Kylemore Abbey. Now, if this isn’t the most fairytale-like building you’ve ever seen, I’ll eat my hat. This 19th-century castle-turned-abbey is nestled at the foot of a mountain, reflected in a glassy lake. It’s so picture-perfect, you’d swear Walt Disney had a hand in designing it. Take a tour, explore the Victorian walled gardens, and maybe say a little prayer that you’ll win the lottery and be able to build your own castle. Hey, a person can dream!

As we loop back towards Roundstone, let’s take a spin through the haunting beauty of the Inagh Valley. Flanked by the Twelve Bens on one side and the Maumturks on the other, this glacial valley is like driving through a postcard. Keep an eye out for sheep on the road – they have right of way here and they know it! Pop into say hello to ‘Mr. Connemara’, Domnick at Loch Inagh Lodge for an Irish coffee and a genuine Irish welcome.

As the day winds down and you make your way back to Roundstone, take a moment to pull over and watch the sunset. The sky puts on a show here that’d put Broadway to shame, painting everything in golds, pinks, and purples. It’s the perfect time to reflect on your adventure and start planning your next one. Because let’s face it, once you’ve had a taste of Connemara, you’ll be coming back for seconds!

Back in Roundstone, cap off your day with a pint of the black stuff and some traditional music in one of our  village pubs. As you tap your foot to the rhythm of a jig, you’ll realize that the real magic of Connemara isn’t just in its landscapes – it’s in its people, its music, its stories.

So there you have it, my intrepid explorers – the ultimate Connemara road trip. From stunning beaches to majestic mountains, from fairytale castles to hidden valleys, this journey has it all. And the best part? You’ve only scratched the surface of what Connemara has to offer.

Remember, the joy of a Connemara road trip isn’t just in the destinations, but in the journey itself. Take your time, chat with the locals, and don’t be afraid to take the road less travelled. After all, in Connemara, every wrong turn is just another opportunity for adventure!

Slán go fóill, and may the road rise up to meet you, the wind be always at your back, and your GPS never lose signal!

P.S. Don’t forget to share your Connemara road trip adventures with us! Tag @WithinTheVillage and use #ConnemaraRoadTrip. The best photo wins a luxury picnic hamper for your next scenic drive. Happy travels

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